April 26, 2024

Writer's Email: Writer's Name:
Title of Project: Genre:
Challenge: Entry Date:04/26
The Sonic Society and Electric Vicuñna Productions take YOUR privacy with the utmost gravity and seriousness.
We will NEVER share any information provided to us in submissions including names, emails and project information without expressed permission.
With the exception of the Author's permission below, all submission information is kept strictly confidential and used only as an opportunity to mark the Writer's progress through

The National Audio Drama Script Writers Month is a fun contest with the purpose only of encouraging great Audio Drama Scripts, however those participants who male proof (as TXT files.. formatting unnecessary) by Februay 28th, will receive an electronic certificate of achievement.

For the purposes of promotion, I, the author of this submission, do allow Sonic Society to include my name as participating in NADSWRIM for 2014. (Please note that selecting "No" does not disqualify submission only requests we do not include your name in any broadcasts as supporting NADSCWRIM.)

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