Canadian Government
September 23, 2021
Due Date:09/28/2021Time Spent:4 Classes
Outcomes Addressed:
2- Building- 1.2 ask relevant questions calling for elaboration, clarification, or qualification and respond thoughtfully to such questions
2- Building- 1.4 listen critically to assess the adequacy of the evidence speakers give to evaluate the integrity of information presented
2- Building- 2.1 participate constructively in conversation, small-group and whole-group discussion, and debate, using a range of strategies that contribute to effective talk
Skills Addressed:
Critical Thinking- Critical Analysis
Critical Thinking- Critical Deconstruction
Critical Thinking- Critical Understanding
Learning Target:
Today we learn about the Canadian government
  1. What are the Three Branches of Government video.
  2. Take the Political Compass Test
  3. Read the Handout on Political Spectrum Views
  4. Work on your Research Canadian Party Project

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