The Theme of Silence
Home - ENG 12
February 17, 2022
Due Date:02/18/2022Time Spent:2 Classes
Outcomes Addressed:
R/W- 4.1 Read a wide variety of print texts recognizing elements of those texts that are relevant to their own lives and community
R/W- 4.0 Students will be expected to select, read, and view with understanding a range of literature, information, media, and visual texts.
Skills Addressed:
Fiction Analysis- Critical Analysis
Fiction Analysis- Critical Understanding
Learning Target:
Today we consider setting and "The Veldt"
Approximate Times
Lessons and Material
30 minutes
    • Independent Reading Novels
    • 2nd Reading Log, 2ns Entry
15 minutes
    • Hand out "Theme" and go over
    • Students complete
25 minutes
    • "The Talk"
    • Hand out "The Silence" assignment
    • Watch "The Silence" by Rod Serling
5 minutes
    • Students break before end of class

  1. Independent Novels and Reading Log sheets
  2. Hand out "Theme"
  3. Hand out "The Silence"
  4. Twlight Zone "The Silence" by Rod Serling
  5. "The Bet" by Anton Chekov

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