The Parliament- Part 3
September 21, 2021
Due Date:09/23/2021Time Spent:3 Classes
Outcomes Addressed:
2- Building- 1.2 ask relevant questions calling for elaboration, clarification, or qualification and respond thoughtfully to such questions
2- Building- 1.4 listen critically to assess the adequacy of the evidence speakers give to evaluate the integrity of information presented
2- Building- 2.1 participate constructively in conversation, small-group and whole-group discussion, and debate, using a range of strategies that contribute to effective talk
Skills Addressed:
Critical Thinking- Critical Analysis
Critical Thinking- Critical Deconstruction
Critical Thinking- Critical Understanding
Learning Target:
Today we continue the Parliament assignment
  1. Discuss the Federal election results. Watch video and talk about the "past the post" election system
  2. Students continue their technological devices for a webquest for the Canadian Parliament

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